A Jupyter Notebook that reproduces a Barron's article showing the results of being able to be out of the market for the worst five days of each year. - mayest/Market-Timing
Dependent on your platform, some additional libraries might have to be installed to make it actually work. So please also have a look at the platform specific chapters on how to install those requirements. LP DAAC - Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center - Sioux Falls, SD :mortar_board: :scroll: This repository holds my final year and dissertation project during my time at the University of Lincoln titled 'Deep Learning for Emotion Recognition in Cartoons'. - hako/dissertation Basic Cheat Sheet for Python (PDF, Markdown and Jupyter Notebook) - wilfredinni/python-cheatsheet Contribute to SandraFB/instalaciones development by creating an account on GitHub.
Use Mapbox GL JS to visualize data in a Python Jupyter notebook - mapbox/mapboxgl-jupyter These problems relate to Jupyter, numpy, and pyplot. We will use the famous iris data set. Save your work as a single Jupyter notebook file in a GitHub repository. Include any required data files, a Readme, and a gitignore file in the… Jupyter Magic commands for accessing Db2 data. Contribute to IBM/db2-jupyter development by creating an account on GitHub. Jupyter magic to allow Node.js code to run in a notebook - pixiedust/pixiedust_node To enable the conda-forge channel, run the following: conda config --add channels conda-forge In Part 2 of this 4-article series, we will create a Jupyter notebook and download the Fruits360 dataset using Keras within the Jupyter notebook. Live code in Pandoc Markdown
Contribute to SandraFB/instalaciones development by creating an account on GitHub. Finding lane lines on the road (Autonomous Vehicle Engineering) - jclh/av-lane-lines Implementing YOLO using ResNet as the feature extraction network - makatx/YOLO_ResNet Fractal generator with lots of fancy stuff. Contribute to crapp/geomandel development by creating an account on GitHub. An interactive demonstration of matched filtering with some examples using the computer's microphone and real LIGO data. - moble/MatchedFiltering GitHub Gist: star and fork nellaivijay's gists by creating an account on GitHub.
Collective Knowledge workflow for Caffe to automate installation across diverse platforms and to collaboratively evaluate and optimize Caffe-based workloads across diverse hardware, software and data sets (compilers, libraries, tools…
Use Mapbox GL JS to visualize data in a Python Jupyter notebook - mapbox/mapboxgl-jupyter These problems relate to Jupyter, numpy, and pyplot. We will use the famous iris data set. Save your work as a single Jupyter notebook file in a GitHub repository. Include any required data files, a Readme, and a gitignore file in the… Jupyter Magic commands for accessing Db2 data. Contribute to IBM/db2-jupyter development by creating an account on GitHub. Jupyter magic to allow Node.js code to run in a notebook - pixiedust/pixiedust_node To enable the conda-forge channel, run the following: conda config --add channels conda-forge In Part 2 of this 4-article series, we will create a Jupyter notebook and download the Fruits360 dataset using Keras within the Jupyter notebook. Live code in Pandoc Markdown